Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bob Sr.?

Months ago, our sister-in-law Kari emplored us to enter the HGTV Dream Home Giveaway in hopes that someone in our family would win the amazing custom built WinterPark haven. Since then, we have daily delivered our entries into cyberspace hoping that one of us would get to win the place we would use for family vacation this summer. So, tonight...we sat...anxiously waiting...hoping to get a knock on our door or to at least see one of our beloved family members on T.V. jumping around like we would if we got it. The moment came...........and the moment went. Bob Sr. from Tenessee took it. Bob Sr.? Joanna said he doesn't even like Colorado:) Oh well, back to saving Africa.


Anonymous said...

that's great! i love HGTV dream house!! it was GORGEOUS. i totally wish a lorenzen would have gotten it!

Wes said...

So I pretty much thought our family was going to win it. My mom cleaned up the house and everything. We were all waiting for it but like you said the moment passed and we didn't have it. I was very upset with mr. Bob Sr. He didn't even look like he was that excited. I was majorily bummed. And what was with that lame hidden clue question. I mean they could have made it a little difficult. Anyway there is always next year lol

Anonymous said...

That is so funny!! Bob Sr. I am so sure..... like Wes said I was all ready, cute outfit- clean house, hair combed!! how sad was I?! I wish I had know you all were waiting also-- I would have called!

Anonymous said...

Quite depressing, I must admit....there is always next year!