Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crazy Two Days

Finished my first week at my new job
Small group
Waited at the hospital till 2:00am to welcome the arrival of Zoe Jensen (Zoe belongs to Brian and Sara Jensen along with their son was such an honor to be there)
Woke up at 8am for a Saturday Class on Challenged books
Went to the hospital with the Kirkseys to visit Zoe again
Shopping for new work clothes
More shopping for new work clothes (I got a few things, but shopping frustrates me)
Discuss life with my very understanding husband
Write a quick blog
Head to bed


Anonymous said...

At least you got some chipotle! mmmm

lauren debo said...

wow! :-D i hope you get some rest time this week!

Jenine said...

Chipotle :-) Yum! It always reminds me of you guys. Looking forward to hanging out soon.