Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Can you post a Prayer Request on a Blog?

The semester is taking it's final stride into the finish line of Christmas Break. Students have all of their big papers and tests do in the next couple of weeks, after being teased of peace and rest for Thanksgiving. Stress is running high and patience and grace seem to be blinking their empty light. There is no story of what's going on or pictures of our latest adventure. This is just heaviness of heart asking for plentiful petition. If Joanna and I ever cross your mind in the day or for some reason you think of college or a college student; throw up a prayer for Pearce. Pray that we would all be able to finish strong. Pray that TRUE community would happen here. Pray that God be ferociously present here. Thank you.
p.s. We can't wait for Christmas Break either! :)

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