WOW! Today has been a whirlwind of goodtimes, good people, and good news. Joanna and I are at Cederville University at the ACSD conference. We had a great 4 hour van ride with our friends the Kirkseys, Sarah Dompier, Rob Rostoni, and my boss Paul. I'm pretty sure we laughed the whole time. Once we arrived, we met up with the Jensens (Toby's Parents) who we hadn't been able to spend much time with lately. It was great to see them...Toby keeps growing up. But wait, the joy doesn't end there. There are several of the greatest people here from Grand Canyon Univ. and Phoenix. You know, they're the kind of people who just do your soul good to be with them. Ah, and it's so good to see them too! On top of that, we just found out that two different couples, both of whom we care about dearly, are pregnant! Want more? Our neice and nephew(twins adopted from Sierra Leone) are safe in the arms of their parents. They are beginning to know the love that will envelope them for the rest of their lives! And they're coming home soon! Do you hear that? There's angels singing as the sun is setting and Joanna and I can't get these smiles off our faces. It's the day of greatest joy!