Thursday, October 18, 2007

World's Best

Because I am the best sister in the world, I traveled to Iowa yesterday to help watch my nephews while Jody is in Colorado at an adoption conference. It was not a hard sacrifice to make, I love spending time with my nephews. The boys were a little disappointed that I didn't bring Uncle Taylor with me. I'm just not that exciting. However, Taylor did send me with a list of fun and destructive:) activities to do. I am excited to have more things to blog about.
Jody here is proof that all the boys are alive and well and off to school on time.


jody said...

not sure about Gabe's camo on camo outfit...but beautiful boys nonetheless.
Thank you, JOANNA!

Anonymous said...

wow are GOOD! and if i would have known you were doing "c" for supper, i would have come over!! :)