Thursday, January 07, 2010

A More Mature Birthday

Our good friend Missy had a birthday yesterday. It was just her 30th. So we had her over for some authentic Mexican food, gave her a gift, and then headed into the Burgh with Mr. Ryan Holt.

The Gift: A popcorn maker! She was quite elated as you can see.

The whole reason for going into Pittsburgh was to go to the Melting Pot. Joanna and I had been only once before and this was Missy and Ryan's first time. She declared it a more grown up birthday celebration and that cakes will no longer due.

Ryan, always one to take it up a notch, decided to try and "roast" the marshmallow over the burner. It worked. He said it better that way.

Mmmm... a much more mature birthday ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Thanks thanks thanks so much for making it a great day!